Stuart Lab Help
Helpful Lab Information
Specific Software Help
- Shell one-liners to do amazing things Here is a list of amazing shell script one-liners to do common things. If you write a useful very short script for doing something somewhat common, put it here.
- How do I use the lab CVS repository? (CVS is a "track changes" system that allows you to examine old versions of your code.)
- Making a Graph using Excel or Gnuplot
- Make / Makefiles Our lab work is primarily automated with makefiles. If you don't know how quick.mak (or recurse.mak) works, or what $@ is, then you need to read this before you do anything.
- Using screen on UNIX If you ever connect to the unix machines using a terminal, you want to be using screen. There may be a few things in here that you didn't know even if you are somewhat familiar with screen.
- R Statistics Help How to easily use R for fancy statistical analysis.
- MySQL tips
- Batch Correction for RNA-Seq data
- Clustering RNA-Seq data
Helpful General Technical Information