
Set up your Unix Environment


If you use csh (if you don't know whether you do, you do), edit the file .cshrcin your home directory and add this line:


source /projects/sysbio/etc/stuartlab-init.csh


If you use bash, and this line to the file .bashrcin your home directory:


source  /projects/sysbio/etc/


This will set up all the sysbio programs and the appropriate CVS root.


Learn about our existing code


When you want to work with some data, and are unsure how to start or are considering starting wirting code, first check out the SoftwareResourcespage to see if there's something that already does what you want to do. Also, learn our style of using Makefiles to work on projects in a self-documenting, reproducible fashion.






-- Main.cvaske - 10 Jan 2007