Persistence of AR signaling in small cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer (SCNC) and intermediate atypical carcinoma (IAC): Results from the SU2C/PCF/AACR West Coast Prostate Cancer Dream Team (WCDT).

TitlePersistence of AR signaling in small cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer (SCNC) and intermediate atypical carcinoma (IAC): Results from the SU2C/PCF/AACR West Coast Prostate Cancer Dream Team (WCDT).
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAggarwal, RRaj, Youngren, J, Sokolov, A, Huang, J, Thomas, GV, True, LD, Foye, A, Alumkal, JJ, Ryan, CJ, Beer, TM, ,