Action Items Assigned to People at the 01/22/08 Meeting, as recorded by Greg Dougherty
- Setup system for getting and making useful for the lab the BioGrid? Human Protein-Protein interaction data
- Start learning about the GeneSets in the Interaction Browser, with an eye to taking it over once Greg leaves
- Get David up to speed on GeneSets
- Setup necessary infrastructure so that can get the BioGrid? data into the Grinder
- Work with Chris to see if can store track data in the Grinder
- Build recurrent Network with the new information from Head and Neck cancer genes?
- Download human cancer data
- Run GSEA on it
- Get Daniel up to speed on her scripts
- Download data (which?) and start building networks from it
- Get scripts from Martina
- figure out which are the "most popular Affy chips" to be downloading
- Get "Intact?" data to David
- Add tracks to the browser
- Work with Greg to see if can store track data in the Grinder
-- Main.gregd - 24 Jan 2008