
You can find my calendar and other info here: James' SOE Webpage


Here's a page about Groovy, the missing piece for Java bioinformatics programmers.



Random notes about UMLS...


Running documentation of my lab rotation efforts, Spring 2008. As this documentation matures, I will move it to relevant other sections of the sysbio wiki.

UMLS Knowledge Source Server has two versions, 5.0 and 6.0 beta.

To access web services with 5.0 (RMI based), you need to obtain a license, login, and enter the IP of the machine you want to run a client on into your user profile. Note that there is no way to access your user profile from the 6.0 webpage.

To access web services with 6.0 (SOAP based), you need to obtain a web certificate. There is an online form here to do this, but it won't work if you haven't already entered your IP in the user profile which... wait for it... is only available from the 5.0 interface.